Fortunately, unlike Instagram, Telegram does allow you to prevent GIFs and videos from playing automatically. And all these videos get stored in your phone’s memory as cache. Just like Instagram, the Telegram app also auto-plays videos by default. This should stop Telegram from loading unwanted media automatically and help save a lot of storage space and data. Under ‘Automatic media download’, toggle off the automatic media download using mobile data, Wi-Fi, and roaming. You can easily prevent Telegram from filling up your storage by disabling automatic media downloads. And the same holds true for automatic media downloads in the Telegram app. You know what they say: prevention is better than cure. You can set it to 3 days, 1 week or 1 month. Step 2: Now adjust the slider under Keep Media to define a period after which Telegram should automatically purge the cache data. Now go to Data and Storage and choose the Storage Usage option. Step 1: Open Settings in the Telegram app. Thankfully, you can also automate this process by following the steps below. Useful as it is, clearing cache regularly can be quite demanding for some. That should free up a significant amount of storage space and should help the app run smoothly. Tap on the Clear Telegram Cache button to remove it. Step 3: Under Device storage, you’ll see how much space has been occupied by Telegram Cache. Step 2: Next, go to Data and Storage and tap on the Storage Usage option. Tap on the three horizontal lines on your upper left to open Settings. Step 1: Launch the Telegram app on your phone. Read on to learn how to clear and manage the cache in the Telegram app. Luckily, Telegram also offers an option to clear cache data within the app. How often Telegram is used to exchange files can eat up a valuable amount of storage space fairly quickly. Once downloaded, these files are locally stored on your phone’s storage in the form of a cache. Telegram lets you send and receive files up to 2GB in size.